Hawks on the Other Side : Vietnam Peace Movement 1963-1967.: Volume I of Comrades in Arms: How the Americong Won the Vietnam War against the Common Enemy-America
History of the Vietnam War mostly records peace activists, often beautiful hippy girls, stuffing flowers into gun barrels. This seductive and distracting history obscures the complicity of the leadership of the antiwar movement in transforming peace into war, liberation into tyranny, reconciliation into revenge and treason into patriotism. The common view is heroic war protesters successfully fighting an imperialist capitalist U.S. conducting an illegal, immoral, unjust and unwinnable war in Vietnam. Such an evil, illegitimate, America demands a shapeshifting change, a progressive, radical or revolutionary transformation. This orthodoxy is false. The war was crucial battle in the Cold War against communist tyranny. This volume of a three volume work reveals “peace” movement leaders collaborating with the enemy, echoing his propaganda, and working for communist victory, not peace. Hawks covers the antiwar movement from 1963-1968 on the eve of the 1968 Tet invasion. Two other volumes in the series will cover 1968-1972 and 1973-1975 and beyond.

Vietnam: The Second Front: Winning the War, Losing the Homeland. The Peace Movement, 1968-1972
The Second Front: Winning the War, Losing the Peace. The Peace Movement , 1968-1972 is volume II of III.The politics of the war in Vietnam greatly influences not only future American military affairs, but American civilization. History mostly records peace activists, often beautiful hippy girls, stuffing flowers into gun barrels. This seductive and distracting history obscures the complicity of the leadership of the “peace”movement in transforming peace into war, liberation into tyranny, reconciliation into revenge and treason into patriotism. Orthodox historians report selfless war protesters fighting an illegal, immoral, unjust and unwinnable war. Such an evil and illegitimate America surely demands a shapeshifting change, a progressive, radical or revolutionary transformation. All this echoes America’s enemies then and now. This three volume work, based on three decades of research, tries to present a detailed, fact-driven history. Day by day and month by month, it shows top leaders of the American peace movement waging a political war inside the USA in coordination with Hanoi and the communist world against America during the Cold War and since. The antiwar leaders traveled worldwide to meet America’s communist enemies in the Indochina War. From contemporary FBI files, speeches, books, broadcasts and news clips this book identifies scores of organizations and hundreds of individuals supporting the enemy in war in their own words and deeds. They were indifferent to communist war crimes while focusing on rare American war crimes. While major histories outright deny or diminish any foreign, Hanoi, or communist influence on the peace movement, Hanoi celebrated its cooperation with peace movement leaders. Hanoi still thanks the antiwar movement and the press. The book covers the doings of all the personalities of the age: John Kerry, George McGovern, David Dellinger, Daniel Berrigan, Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Cora Weiss, Howard Zinn and many, many more at times and places of their choosing.

Blood Will Flow? Revolution in Chicago and Berkeley and the USA Today?: The True Story of Tom Hayden and Progressives Today?
The 21st Century hate/blame America progressives, seeking radical, socialist change by violence if necessary, came out of the Sixties Revolution. The history of the Sixties Left provides the context and the origins of the anger and socialist aspirations of progressives. Saul Alinsky and George Soros are merely shiny bookends of this history. For decades it was Tom Hayden who led the way from riots at the Democrat Convention in 1968 to Progressives for Obama. Hayden’s story and continuing influence was and is the soul of the American Left. He is the forgiving grandfather of violent elements of AntiFa and Occupy Wall Street. Concentrating on Hayden’s most transparent revolutionary activities in Berkeley during 1968-1979, spotlights both the origins and the continuity of the America progressives of 2020 and their intentions to fundamentally transform America. In earlier events, we find Hayden, bare-naked, speaking honestly and acting boldly upon his inner most beliefs. We find other relevant persons and organizations dedicated to a socialist revolution any means, bloody or not. Why do so many hate America?Tom Hayden tells us from his grave. Miracles, declared and counted, obituaries rapidly elevated Tom Hayden to progressive sainthood. Hayden was a true founding father of both the New Left’s Students for Democratic Society (SDS), California’s own Green Revolution, and of America’s progressive future.