Cambodia Comrades in Arms Vietnam

Reviews–Comrades in Arms: How Americong Won the War in Vietnam Against the Common Enemy–America

Completely SEARCHABLE for any name, date, place or event of the Vietnam War and its antiwar and peace protesters.

“This guy’s stuff is awesome.
Fascinating. Incredible. Every Vietnam vet should have a copy. A great
service for this country and the cause of freedom.””
publisher, Soldier of Fortune, Capt. Army Intelligence, Special Forces, 1st
Infantry, Phoenix Program Vietnam 1968-1971.

Very detailed and valuable study…”MARK MOYAR, author of Triumph
Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954-1965,
and Phoenix and the Birds of Prey:
Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism in Vietnam.

“Connects America’s left-wingers and the Communist brass of North Viet-Nam” ARMOND NOBLE, Publisher, Military
Warrant Officer, California State Military Reserve; US Army
Signal Corps, Westinghouse Broadcasting, Time Magazine. Vietnam,

“The Filet Mignon” of why
Vietnam is relevant today. Stephen Sherman, 1st
Lt. Civil Affairs Officer, US Army, 5th Special Forces Group
(airborne) 1967-1968.

“A major element of the
Vietnam War never before fully explored
. …Some met with our enemies to
encourage them…Canfield focuses the spotlight on this conduct so the full
history can be known.” B.G. “JUG” BURKETT, co-author
Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its
. 1st Lt., US Army, 199th Light Infantry Brigade, Vietnam.

“The ULTIMATE source on
Vietnam and the Left
” LT. COL. ROBERT “BUZZ” PATTERSON, US Air Force (Ret) Author of Dereliction of Duty,
Reckless Disregard, War Crimes

“VERY good. Interesting.” PROF. ROBERT TURNER, University of Virginia,
Author Vietnamese Communism: Its Origin and
, Editor The Real Lessons of the Vietnam War: Reflections
Twenty-Five Years After the Fall of
Saigon. Capt. US Army Vietnam JUSPAO, American Embassy, Saigon.

“Wow! …an invaluable reference…monumental
achievement.” FEDORA, Free Republic.

“Dissects…US fronts for Hanoi,” Bruce Kesler, Sgt., USMC, Intelligence, Vietnam 1969-70, founder of Vietnam Veterans for a
Just Peace, 1971, contributing editor, blogs on
Maggie’s Farm.

“Greatfacts we will never see in the liberal media” DAN NGUYEN, Boat People

“Stunning…could have been
written about what is happening now [in Iraq and Afghanistan].” RODNEY DALE, Texas

never-before asked questions…” MELODY CONROY, W.W. Norton.

GREAT…impressive book.
“Comments on Voice of America from Viet Kieu are positive.” NGHIA VO, Saigon Arts, Culture and
Education Institute, Author Bamboo Gulag, The Viet Kieu in
and The Vietnamese Boat People.

are all grateful…Should drive a stake in the heart of the grand myths
vital piece of work, necessary to any meaningful comprehension.” BILL LAURIE, Co-author Whitewash Blackwash: Myths of the Vietnam War, 1st Lt. US Army (Ret) and
defense attaché (1971-1975).

“A terrific history of the second front,” PROFESSOR
VICTOR COMERCHERO, Sacramento State Univ., former radical antiwar activist.

“A damn good piece of work” MIKE BENGE, contributor to Washington
, History Channel, POW (1968-73), Vietnam: US Marines, 1956-1959,
International Voluntary Services (IVS), 1963-65; Foreign Service Officer,
USAID, 1963-68.

“Wow. Impressivetour
de force
. I have never seen this breadth of information on the anti-war
crowd…A real jewel. Will make research of other Vietnam War scholars much
Army SFT, Counterinsurgency Vietnam 1972.

“A tremendous project.” SCOTT SWETT, co-author To Set the
Record Straight
Webmaster, Swift Boats Veterans and POWs for Truth,,

“Massive study of the Hanoi Lobby” MAX
FRIEDMAN, National
Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, New Mobilization, Student Mobe, Washington Mobe and
correspondent in So. Vietnam. Co-author The Human Cost of Communism in Vietnam, 1972.

“Canfield amply documents a small group of New Left radicals who subverted the efforts of the US
military in Vietnam with pro-Communist propaganda and disinformation campaigns
in America.” JAMES McLEROY, 1st Lt., Army
Special Forces, I Corps, 1967-68.

“I have been waiting for a
book like Canfield’s for 40 years.”
JACK J. GOERHRING III, Psychological  War, Capt. US Army, Vietnam 1968-69.


“Takes the whole antiwar-activists-as-sincere-liberators myth and trashes it… sets fire to the
pile of pieces.  Wow. A… truly monumental achievement.” R. J. DEL VECCHIO Co-author Whitewash Blackwash: Myths of the Vietnam War, Cpl. Marine combat
photographer, 1st Marine Division, Vietnam (1967-8),

Amazing…dig so deep and see so far ahead.” THU-MINH
HUYNH, son of Gen. Huynh Cao

Recorded as the author has written” GEN.
HUYNH VAN CAO, Cdr. ARVN, 7th Division, 1961-63.

How well the NVA played the
political war
…should be known before all the veterans of the war die.” MIKE O’CONNELL, 101st Airmobile
Division, 1969-1970.

Promotes historical truths… and unfolds the ugly, shameful and
mischievous acts of the anti-war liberals and leftists in the USA and all
over the world
. Joachim Le


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